

ebet真人娱乐厅对过去和现在的学生所取得的成就感到非常自豪. Testimonials of graduates and the enthusiastic large numbers of alumni who attend Homecoming and other events offered by Howard Payne University are in themselves strong indicators of the positive impact this University has on those who attend here. Howard Payne University regularly evaluates its success with respect to student achievement consistent with the University’s mission and strategic plan.

Howard Payne University has identified three student achievement goals with appropriate targeted criteria that are annually assessed and evaluated. 结果每年报告一次.


Goal 1: Students will successfully navigate the rigors of the academic environment from enrollment through 毕业.

Target: Graduation rate of greater than 40% with an additional 15-20% persistence through 毕业 anticipated from students who transfer to other institutions.


自2016年以来, HPU experienced six-year completion rates averaging 33% of all First-Time Full-Time students and 19% persistence through 毕业 from students who transferred from another institution. 从2016年秋季开始,HPU全日制转学生的六年平均完成率为53%. This data is submitted through the National Student Clearinghouse and reported by the Student Achievement Measure Project (SAM). 点击这里 在SAM网站上查看HPU的页面. It is important to note that the 2016 cohort was interrupted by COVID semesters that might have influenced data collected.

该大学还报告保留率, 毕业, 和结果数据到综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS),并发布这些数据的链接. 点击这里 在国家教育统计中心网站上查看HPU的IPEDS数据.

IPEDS data is illustrated below by articulating various 毕业 rates for First-Time Full-Time students pursuing bachelor’s degrees, including visuals of male and female graduates as well as 毕业 rates by race/ethnicity beginning in Fall 2014 and Fall 2016 (Click to view larger im年龄).

点击这里 在国家教育统计中心网站上查看HPU的IPEDS数据. 


Target: Greater than 55% of graduates will have had internship or vocational experiences as a part of their academic study.

结果:2022-2023年, 80% of undergraduate graduating students participated in internships/mentorships or vocational experiences during their educational program.

  • 护理-
    • Target: 100% of students who graduate with a Bachelor of Science Nursing degree (BSN) will secure a professional position before 毕业.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 100%的BSN毕业生在毕业前获得了专业职位.

目标3:学生将对所选领域有深入的了解, 就业或研究生学习.

The University uses multiple measures to assess achievement of goal three through 1) various content area exams (i.e., ETS Major Field Exams); 2) Comprehensive Business Exam; 3) Area Concentration Achievement Tests; and 4) Licensure/professional examinations.


1) ETS主要领域考试和其他国家标准化考试-样本项目结果:

  • 电脑资讯系统-
    • Target: 60% of CIS majors will 分数 above the national aver年龄 on the Information Systems Analyst (ISA) nationally standardized exam.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 40%(2/5)的学生得分高于全国平均水平(50%)和HPU十年平均水平(51分).6%. 2022-2023级的总体平均水平为49艘.6%,高分61分.8%和较低的分数为42.7%.
    • 目标:60%的CIS专业学生在“IS战略”上的得分高于全国平均水平, 管理, ISA国家标准化考试的批判性思维部分.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 60%(3/5)的学生在“IS战略”上的得分高于全国平均水平, 管理, 和习得”部分. 2022-2023级的总体平均水平是 .比全国平均水平高9%.

2)商业综合考试(CBE) -工商管理与会计:

  • Target: Students will 分数 basic or higher and proficient or higher on the CBE Common Profession Components exam within 5% of the corresponding percent年龄s for students from peer institutions
  • 结果:2022-2023年, 100% of students who took the CBE 分数d basic or higher or proficient or higher and were within 5% of the corresponding percent年龄s for peer institution students.
  • Target: Students will have an aver年龄 分数 on the Glo-bus simulation 在全球所有学生总体平均水平的5%之内.
  • 结果: In 2022-2023, 100% 参加glog -bus模拟的学生 得分一般 分数 在全球所有学生总体平均水平的5%之内. 20% of HPU students who participated in the Glo-bus simulation placed in the weekly top 100 in at least one performance category in at least one week.

3)区域集中成就测试(ACAT) -示例程序结果:

  • 〇刑事司法
    • 目标:85%的刑事司法专业学生ACAT成绩在400-600分之间.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 100% of the criminal justice majors 分数d between 400-600 (n=18) where 44% (n=8) 分数d above the target of 600 on the ACAT.


  • 〇教师教育
    • Target: 85% of students who take the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam will experience a passing 分数 (240) or above.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 88% (24/28) of students passed the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam.
    • Target: 85% of students who take the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) Educator Preparation Program (EPP) technical curriculum exam will experience a passing 分数 (240) or above.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 92% (56/61) of students passed the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) Educator Preparation Program (EPP) technical curriculum exam.
  • 〇运动训练
    • Target: 85% of students who take the TDLR Texas Athletic Training Licensure (optional) will experience a passing 分数 or above.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 100% of students (n=1) taking the TDLR Texas Athletic Training Licensure passed all portions of the licensure exam.
  • 个人培训
    • Target: 75% of students who take the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer certification exam will experience a passing 分数 or above.
    • 结果:2022-2023年, 75%参加ACE个人培训认证考试的学生(n=4)取得了及格或以上的成绩.


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